Thursday 14 October 2010

and just a little pic for the last post

How sustainable is my lifestyle?

The word "Sustainability" isn't the one I would necessarily use to describe my lifestyle but at the same time I couldn't avoid the fact that some of the aspects of my day-to-day living could make some positive impact on environment. For example I use public transport to get to the Avenue Campus (if I'd have a car I'd drive it). Speaking recycling-wise I used to sort the rubbish into different bins once I came to UK but never before (due to worse economic situation in my home country people tend to think about more important things over there and due to much lower level of consumption environment there is still at normal level) and not after I've moved to the Halls of Residence (due to student nature of my life). Yet there's still a potential for some more eco-friendly stuff in my life. Something like turning the light off could save up some energy - energy-efficient economy is the driver of success in sustainable economy - but that same "student life" doesn't help me a lot in this matter because it's easier to explain to a student that binge-drinking is bad than make them all switch the lights off after they leave the room. The same goes with heating problem. I like it that Uni really cares about the students' health and doesn't want them to freeze but starting heating rooms in early October might lead you to over-heating the room (what's now happening in our flat's kitchen) and eventually to losing massive amounts of energy (maybe not "massive" you can correct me on that one). Once again I'm trying to remind myself that it's a Person not the System that should be responsible for changes but at the end of the day it's up to the nature to decide. Nature of people now dominates the environment and dictates that driving comfortable car is good and standing like a sheep in the bus all the way between campuses is still bad, buying two times more products than you need is good and using exclusively recycled stuff is bad, talk about how you care about the ecology is good and actually do something to help the environment is bad.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

first one

And the first one ... as a message for Mr Spellman : "It's done, Greg!"